Which lady cannot be married?

29/11/2011 03:16

Relations are always a mutual work, the revelation of the advantages and correction of disadvantages unacceptable to the partner. Some women's habits highly infuriate males and may result in separation. Even when the notorious female illogicality, talkativeness and weakness for shopping may be forgiven, there’re types of women, which males cannot bear. These are bad women's habits in the eyes of men.

Curlers to the spouse, curls to the chief

A guy understands that a lady does not wake up with the make-up and arranged hair. But he prefers not to see the progress of doing her face, it is much more fascinating to see the result. And once after a couple of years of living together a mysterious beauty becomes a woman in the faded robe with rollers on her hair, this does not add zeal to the relations and a man may require Viagra online. And it's not so much in the look, but in the matter that a lady stops to perceive a guy as an object of temptation. In the end, he's there and won’t go anywhere!

Don’t touch me, you may damage my face painting

The other contrast is the ladies, taking too much interest in self-care and face painting. They’re involved in aesthetic treatments, massage and sports more than with men. They cannot kiss men’s lips - lip rouge will get spread, they have intimacy for 15 minutes between the pool and health resort. For which purpose is all this good look, when you may only watch? A woman's not a museum piece. A male without Cialis online prefers natural hair coloring, the absence of makeup and he doesn’t know what cellulite is.

Telephone conversations

Endless chats on the phone if there’s no time for making dinner, creating comfort in the house are a big minus in the summary of a female. Her fellows will not die if she cuts down communication with them, and a male may get away because of the lack of attention.

Unapt hands

If a female constantly spoils domestic machines, her auto fails, she leaves behind her wallet and papers, kids and cats are hungry, and her man is dressed in lacerated trousers and takes Viagra online, this female is a catastrophe. No male will be enabled to constantly monitor her actions and save of the rough and tumble.

Go there, I do not know where

You can not test men’s affection by assignments like sending him to the other corner of the town after night work for the "best rolls". One day a man will get tired to prove his affection and take Cialis online, and he’ll go there where his feelings will be taken in stride.